The Dog House

This Section is dedicated to everyone and anything that pisses me off.
This includes movies, people, companies, services, etc. I am sure that those
heartless, greedy criminals at
Bank One wont loose any business due to this, but it feels good
to get if off of my chest.
I don't care.
I'm tired of it. Shame on you! Get your s**t together or you'll end
up in my Dog House. If you disagree with my views, strongly agree, or you have complaints of your own,
feel free to post a message on the
message board.
"Aww naw! Hell naw! BoyY'all done up and done it"
Nappy Roots
Hotmail "Kiss My Grits!"
When Gmail came out I dropped my hotmail; dropped it like it's hot.
After I had reached the maximum number of addresses that I could block, I had no choice but to
check my mail
constantly to keep it from filling up with
spam. We'll, I told my friends to stop emailing me at hotmail and today I officially
exceeded 3,000 spam emails. None of them are from
people that I know.
Gus Lewis as the young Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins)
He's just a kid so I'll spare him the review. Gus
Consider yourself warned!
Those fools at Splenda caught a brother sleepin'!
Coca-Cola released their tasty flavored Dasani
water into the market with no mention of Splenda to be found on the bottle. The sweetness of Splenda
actually comes from a chlorinated chemical called sucralose which despite the "
ose" ending is not even a natural
The truth about SplendaI'm drinking
Naked® Food-Juice (Mango Açaí)
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Naked brand Juice. It's expensive at $3 per bottle but
it's very much worth it. The new Mango Açaí flavor however is horrible.
It smells like @$$ and tastes like the hole. Imagine Tamarindo mixed with rotten milk.
Hungry Girl
dislikes it for it's high sugar and caloric value. I want my money back.
Blade Trinity
Goyer screwed us on that one. To quote Triple H in the film, "They pretty much
f**king @ss-raped us." Parker Posey was the only interesting character in that turd.
If you do have an extra $5 to burn then you might rent it. The alternate ending
with the were-vampire was so laughable that it almost makes it worth it.
What can Brown do for you? I'll tell you what Brown can do for me! STOP